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Power control (Him Cho Chung)

Power Control (Him Cho Chung)

(Power / manage /right)

Control of power has to be managed in mutable areas of our lives. To begin with, in the martial arts we strive to find the best way to maximize our power. This is vital to being able to effectively defend our self-if need be. The process to learn how to control our power begins with a strong foundation in the basic techniques. Soo Bahk Do is known for its unique use of our hip and understanding of chain of command from your mind, to your waist, elbows/knees, to each weapon on you are hand and foot. In Soo Bahk Do, we relate this to the “chain of command” of the body. This concept also directly connects the idea of the “Martial” side of the art. Martial, is the military chain of command concept. Beginning with the body, the mind or “General”, initiates the intent to what needs to be done. It could be to defend our self or attack. Following in the process if the use of the hip, or “Lieutenant” and proper control of the hip motion is what generates the power. Following the chain of command are the elbows / knees, or what we consider the “Sergeants” The final stage in the process are the hands or feet or the “Privates”. Today, we reference Newton’s second Law of Motion (F=ma) to explain the concept scientifically, but the application is the same. The founder, Hwang Kee is extensive research on the body’s motion for creating power, while using the least amount of force.

The Chain of command in physical action in Soo Bahk Do

General = (Mind)

Lieutenant = (Hip)

Sergeants (elbows/knees)

Privates (hands/feet).

As I discussed in the concept of humility, I explained briefly about the concept of “Chil Sang”. This idea of the process of leadership and responsibility towards other individuals, the chain of command plays a vital role. Just as a senior leads a junior this process, this must be maintained in the same manner as the process of the body. With leadership, there is much responsibility. Great never take credit for the outcome of what their team or members are trying to achieve. However, they take full responsibility if the goal is not that but the team. This goes back to directly relate to that concept of humility. A good leader does not execute great power over their members; rather they use their power to help their team fulfill their goal. They must be supportive and willing to listen to the input of all those involved. A leader that is respectful to its team members empowers their team members by encouraging them and offering suggestions and ideas that could directly affect them. They also understand that all members the team must be equal and treated fairly and given credit for their ideas. If they over extend their power towards her team members, the team when it function to its maximum.

It creates limitations individuals ideas and input because it is being created over extension of their power. Good leaders use their power to direct the team toward inspiration, and helping them reach their common goal. The leader must understand their power and how to weld it for the right reasons. They should not show weakness or lack of confidence. The power comes to their confidence that has been expressed to the other team members. This starts to develop a sense of trust among all the team. Once a team is able to understand that, they have power to change things and are supported by their leader the team functions at its peak.

Through this example of the chain of command in physical action, we can relate this to other areas of our life. A good example of this is in the work environment. If there is something that needs to be question or clarified at work. The first thing the worker would do was approach their supervisor for clarification. If the supervisor cannot answer the question, they would then go up the ladder to their supervisor. Following this idea chain of command, if done correctly results in every one from the head or owner of the company all the way down to all of its employees. When this gets interesting is when there might be a problem directly related to someone’s supervisor above them. To stay in harmony with the chain of command it would be right for the employee to go directly to their supervisor first. If there were no clarification from them on addressing the issue, the next in line would be to go to their supervisor’s manager. Continuing with this course of action into the problem is solved. The difficulty comes in when the employee as an example, goes directly to the top first. This takes out their direct supervisor in that chain of command. By following this method, the process of the chain of command is broken.

This starts to create a disharmony within the flow of the process. Just like the human body, dynamic power can be generated by following his chain of command. If for example, the mind’s intent is to perform a technique, and the use of the hip is not involved prior to execution of the technique, it will lack power. In a work environment by removing that middle section and not following the chain of command, various members of the team will then lose power. This causes a great disharmony within the team as a whole. The first thing that starts to happen is a lack of trust among its members. This is why in the military that element of trust and understand the chain of command is vital. This affects each individual in the group as a whole to function properly and safely. This requires a great deal of discipline of each individual on the team working together towards the same goal.

In martial arts, control of power is demonstrated in several areas. First, physically, is the area that students begin to understand the effect of their power. Target training is most likely the first step. By correcting their physical technique by applying the proper process as discussed early, they gain grain great power and execution of the technique. They can see the effect in how the partners react when holding the target. This is the best time to give feedback to the fellow member to help them adjust their technique for a better performance and power distribution.

The second stage of understanding power control is in the practice of Ho Sin Sool (self-defense) tactics. This is the first time students apply force or power to another student through physical contact. It is critical for both to understand the force and allow each to deal with it in a manner that does not cause injury. With that said, any exercise should be slower to begin with. Working with different size partners also creates a better understanding of the effect of their power. One must receive and another to give each to verify the value of the technique.

Mentally power control in this part of training has to be in control by both students. Just as with a leader, their control of power will either make the outcome be positive or negative. His or her ego must be in control as to not injury another student. If this is done with the correct state of mind then several things accrue. One, the student that is demonstrating their techniques can gain a better understanding of their own power. Second, the receiver can learn also about the technique because of feeling the effect. Just as in our lives, when we over extend our power to others the effect becomes a negative situation. Abusive behavior by someone using their power, whether it is physical or mental is the total opposite of what the martial’s arts goals are. When this accrues, the abuser is using their power to control another through intimation. This is what we can see in a work situation, where the abusive behavior threatens another such as in a job promotion scenario. The recipient looses power because they do not feel that their input is of any value.

In relationships, this can be very common. There could be an abusive spouse, and using their power, wither its mental, physical or even spiritual to control the relationship. We all know someone that might have had this type of relationship. We can see the effects of them in multiple areas of their lives. Physically they begin to loose weight, feel stress, and they could have physical ailments start to occur. This is because the spouse is using their power for self-gratification rather then supporting their spouse.

There is a saying that was told to me years ago at one of my masters testing. The testing was eight days long and this was my first one that I attended. This testing is unsurpassed and was created by the Hwang Kee. His objective during the Ko Dan Ja testing was to be able to take student and rebuild them to become stronger mentally physically and spiritually. Usually by day, three after training about 12 hours a day most students physically hit the wall. On day, three is also when instructors during this process are evaluated under teaching methods. Therefore, they would teach a class while being observed by the senior Masters. The one-hour class could have a variety of ranks and ages and had to be based on a theme that was given to them ahead of time.

Following the class all, the candidates were brought into a room for evaluation of the class. The candidate would stand and receive feedback from each of the groups starting with their own group and leading to senior Masters. To be expected after these long duration of training mentally candidates sometimes do not accept feedback in a positive manner. It happened in this one night that the candidates class didn’t go quite as planned thus the feedback that was shared with the candidate explained that there was a lot of work to be done there teaching process. Three candidates were evaluated in this particular evening, and after senior Masters had left the room, you could tell by the energy in the room that the candidates mentally were hitting their wall.

Just prior to leaving the room one of the senior Masters that was left with candidates stopped, turned around close the door behind him and asked everyone to have a seat. He paused for a moment and then made a statement that would stay with me the rest of my life. He said, “Never allow anyone to steal your energy, including yourself”. The room was silent but you could tell by the look on everyone’s faces this is exactly what they needed to hear the time. That simple statement says so much about how we deal with others in the things we face in her normal life. How many times is someone in your work environment made a statement towards you that seem to steal all your energy in one shot? This could have been done through a statement or even actions. We cannot always control the things around us; however, we can control how we react to those situations. This is also true about our own mental process. Have there been times in your life for example when you saw situation that you seemed to have no power over control your emotions. Therefore, with the statement I have always used it as a guide in those types of situations. It helps me to regain my personal control of power over the situation. So power control to summarize can be seen in many situations of our life, at home, at work, and in our relationships. Therefore, we must come to an understanding of how to use our own personal power always in a positive manner when dealing with others.

“The measure of a man is what he does with power.” –Plato

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character,

give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” Mahatma Gandhi

“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power”. Tao Te Ching

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